
WordPress 6.3.1

UBC CMS has been updated to WordPress version 6.3.1.

WordPress 6.3

UBC CMS has been updated to WordPress version 6.3.

New Query Loop Block add-on plugins help you display, filter, and sort by custom field data

One of the most powerful features of the new Gutenberg editor is the Query Loop Block. It allows you to query the database of content on your site and output the results of that query in a customizable way. UBC folks have been using the Query Loop Block for a whole manner of reasons including […]

WordPress 6.2.2

Hot on the heels of 6.2.1, UBC CMS has been updated to WordPress version 6.2.2.

WordPress 6.2.1

UBC CMS has been updated to use WordPress version 6.2.1.

WordPress 6.2

UBC CMS has been updated to WordPress version 6.2.

Reminder: Profile CCT Plugin Removal Friday December 2nd 2022

This coming Friday – December 2nd 2022 – the Profile CCT plugin will be removed from UBC CMS. In July on this site we wrote that the Profile CCT Plugin will be removed from UBC CMS due to it being incompatible with the most recent versions of the underlying language that the platform uses (PHP) […]

Collecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on UBC CMS

If you are a site administrator that uses the forms capability within UBC CMS (known as the Gravity Forms plugin) then it’s important to understand what sort of information you can, and more importantly, what you should not collect from your visitors. Gravity Forms is a full-featured, and very powerful forms creation tool. It allows […]