CMS Initiative at UBC

An initiative is currently underway to provide greater central support and coordination to the use of content management tools at UBC. Offered through a collaboration between the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT, formerly OLT), the web team within Communications & Marketing, and UBC IT, the goals of this initiative are to:

  • Provide a centrally-provisioned service to enable the creation of UBC websites that collectively portray a professional web presence for the university
  • Establish a set of common web technology platforms to enable integration of web services
  • Support the producers and maintainers of UBC websites by building connections and fostering collaboration between people.

Read more about the Scope of Services.

Hosted WordPress Service

UBC’s Hosted WordPress Service aims to provide a baseline content management solution for units who are looking for a cost-effective framework of support for managing their websites. The service is free, CLF enabled  and available to you immediately. Learn More